Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Grand Glowacki Trip Continued

We did make one last stop with my parents on our trip in Brugge, Belgium. It is an old town which still has a lot of its infrastructure from the Middle Ages. We were there only one night but I think my Mom would have liked to stay there longer - either that or have my Dad buy the expensive antique clock she found in one of the many antique stores in the town.

We went and visited a few of the old churches they were quite impressive.

Here are some of the old buildings we saw (you can see my Mom and Dad walking ahead of us in the second pic) -

It was a tough trip for Alex as running around and playing with stuff is mostly frowned on in the buildings we were in during our time in France and Belgium. Here he is in two of his most popular positions during our trip - in our bed (kinda glaring at me as to say "Dad you go sleep in the pack n' play I sleeping with Mom in the bed) and being a trooper in the stroller.

Here is with Pa showing off his letter skills - you can tell he is about to say "B"

After we got home we spent some time just relaxing on the couch - Alex liked spending time with Mom and Dad but check out the video below for who he really wanted to spend time with.

We are still behind a couple trips on this thing (Alex, Carlye and I went to France again in September and Carlye and I went to Rome this past weekend). We will work on getting pics up from those trips soon along with some local excursions here in the Netherlands.

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