Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monkey Zoo and More

So here in the Netherlands they have a zoo which is mainly primates. The thing is the smaller monkeys are allowed to roam around and interact with the patrons. Alex really enjoyed the monkeys running around as you will see below.


Here were some of the monkeys running free in the zoo - the one on the left was in the middle of howling (it was quite loud - scared away most of the kids that is why I was able to get such a close up with out anyone around) -

These monkeys were quite curious of Alex in his stroller -

They got quite close -

And then decided to invite themselves into the stroller with Alex -

We then went into the area where the smallest monkeys were (no strollers allowed) - Alex got real close to them (you are not suppose to touch them but it did not stop Alex from chasing them up into their habitat - we had to chase after him before we got thrown out).

The zoo also had a petting zoo - Alex did not really have any fear of the goats - he also like the chickens (see videos - they eventually just ran into the coop) -

This seriously went on for a good 15 min. Back.....
..... and forth.

Petting the snake - like I said no fear (its fake we are not that bad of parents)

Here are some other pics from the month of July -

Alex keeping Noah company while he is going potty - we are still working on Alex on the potty training front -

Alex after he had been swimming at "Moms and Tots". Carlye and Alex attend this every Tuesday its a group of english speaking Moms and the kiddos get together (usually somewhere outside - all depending on the unpredictable Dutch weather). This particular day Alex decided to get "naked" and play in the water. Unfortunately Carlye did not have a swim diaper with her that day so he is riding a little low. Who knows... maybe he'll be a plumber.

Alex wishing Grandpa Stan a Happy Birthday and also feeding Mommy

Alex doing his best Angus impression (Jake from Two and Half Men)

Alex as a Kitty

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